E-Learning Security: Using DRM Software To Secure Your Online Training Course Material


In this age of rampant file sharing and constant intrusion to privacy by means of trojans and malware, protecting ones intellectual property has become a serious concern. Protecting digital content from copying, printing and distribution has become an integral part of content generation, especially when you are relying on revenue generation for your work.andnbsp; As more and more companies take to the Internet to publish their training course material a secure method of protecting it must be found. Elearning security is the security that is applied to materials that comprise study notes, references, demonstrations, and similar that together make up one or more courses in education or in training. Locklizard.com is a DRM (digital rights management) company that specializes in elearning security for flash files, pdf documents, web based contents and ebooks, covering all the popular formats for digital elearning courses. They protect these file formats from unauthorized use, piracy and misuse.

Locklizard prides itself in maintaining a system, which is quick to implement, effective and still easy to use. It doesnandrsquo;t require one to understand the technical details. Again, it doesnandrsquo;t expect any involvement in the internal operation procedures. Whatandrsquo;s more, they have completely gone away with the reliance on passwords, which can be easily hacked with sophisticated tools. This alone puts them miles ahead of any competition.andnbsp; Other similar companies, which provide DRM solutions, are generally designed for internal corporate use. Thus, they can be cumbersome and inappropriate. Sometimes they also become notoriously hard to implement. Locklizard, on the other hand, has made its cryptographic services absolutely simple and totally transparent, which govern the DRM technologies.

Various DRM products offered by Locklizard set a new standard for copy protection and security while maintaining transparency to both customers and recipients. Securing elearning and online training material is therefore effortless. Their solutions are also cost-effective and enable a high ROI.

Apart from training course providers, LockLizard DRM products are used worldwide by various information publishers, who are either selling content or want to ensure compliance. Corporates, who are looking to protect their trade secrets and wish to provide a controlled access method for sharing their information, are the natural clients of Locklizard. Government agencies, that desire to avoid the potential misuse of important information available to them, are also making full use of services available from Locklizard. Indeed, it is flexible enough to provide services for individual companies as well as small and large publishers.andnbsp; All the products available from Locklizard give unprecedented security and control over elearning material, (documents and web based content) and thus provide for robust protection of your IPR.

So, start using Locklizard elearning security software to protect your online training course material, and prevent unauthorized use and misuse of your intellectual property, whilst protecting your revenue streams.